'The' Mandarin.

In a parallel hemisphere - Sad

This one is for Sandy... Wink

Background: From over on the Mount NCN thread:

(10-09-2016, 10:36 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  Murky & his minions - A bureaucratic dictatorship?

Oh Gobbles you sure know how to raise the blood pressure of this fellow IOS comrade in arms - Angry

Hmm...think I summed up quite well my sentiments on Dr Hoodoo Voodoo Dodgy :   

[Image: Dr-A.jpg]
Which, as you will see, kind of gives me a good lead in to the next ICAO USOAP audit critical element - 'Airworthiness'.

Now being a simple knuckle-dragger, whose aeronautical engineering knowledge I could probably write on the back of a postage stamp, I am well out of my league on LAME/AME, MRO and aerospace design/manufacturing. However I do know someone who is full bottle on such issues and that is KC and his AMROBA clan -   Big Grin

Okay a bit of an intro because this area is kind of taking us full circle on the Mount NCN thread:



A treaty is an agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely sovereign states and international organizations. Wikipedia
You will recall that certain business from the 44th Parliamentary Treaties committee was carried through to this Parliament for further inquiry and review. In particular there was the  Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness - USA treaty:
Quote:Treaty under consideration
The following treaties were tabled on 12 September 2016:

Amendment 1 to Revision 1 of the Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness covering Design Approval, Production Activities, Export Airworthiness Approval, Post Design Approval Activities, and Technical Assistance between Authorities under the Agreement on the Promotion of Aviation Safety and Addendum to the Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America
Cover Page (PDF 30KB)
Regulation Impact Statement: not applicable
Letters: not applicable
As it sometime happens ( Rolleyes ), yesterday KC & his AMROBA clan put out a 'breaking news' bulletin that is extremely topical to international 'Airworthiness' deals and the above treaty inquiry... Wink
Quote:[Image: Restriction-800x398.jpg]

Breaking News 
Government Restricting Trade
October 8, 2016 Ken Cannane
Reference page 3:    
[Image: AMROBA-pg3.jpg]
Dear Malcolm, Barnbaby & Dazzling Dazza please take heed: Stop listening to the weasel words of self-professed aviation safety gurus & academics - like Dr Aleck (see pic above) & Dr Walker. There is much empirical and circumstantial evidence (e.g. 3000+ notified differences to ICAO/ 300+ million dollars on CASR RRP/ PelAir & beyond all reason) that relying on such individuals to set aviation safety policy is doing irreparable damage to our reputation internationally and to our industry prosperity domestically.  
Start listening to the words of wisdom from industry advocates like KC:
[Image: AMROBA-pg8.jpg]
As you can see the problems are complex but the solutions could be comparatively simple. However while we continue to have a minister and government that allows the bureaucrats to run the show unimpeded by proper governance and lording over industry with its 'mystique of aviation safety' and its aviation isolationist policy, industry businesses will continue to fail; or to survive businesses will have no choice but to export their business and expertise overseas... Confused

Well it would seem that in the US we have a somewhat equivalent to our 'do as I say not as I do', big 'R' regulator CAsA, & that is the USA EPA. Via the US American Enterprise Institute:
Quote:Has Bureaucratic Dictatorship Arrived?

[Image: SocCult0030Stock.jpg]

President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson got rock star treatment at the U.N. climate change conference in Copenhagen this week.

The crowd of global environmental elites loved her, and one reason why may be that she continued her administration’s unseemly practice of blaming its predecessor for all the world’s ills.

But Jackson’s biggest applause line was when she said she was “proud” of the EPA’s announcement earlier in the week that it would regulate greenhouse gases as dangerous pollutants.

“That is a decision that has been a long time coming,” Jackson said.

And it’s true, a bureaucratic dictatorship has been a long time coming in America. And with this latest EPA ruling, it may have finally arrived.

The Obama administration seems to regard government of the people, by the people and for the people as an inconvenience rather than a blessing.

Just as the polls are showing a dramatic decline in Americans’ belief that climate change is a serious problem, Obama bureaucrats have conveniently come up with a way to make the polls meaningless. They are seeking to achieve “command and control” over the U.S. economy by bureaucratic dictatorship rather than democratic process.

For a nation under siege by the popular culture and the left with environmental alarmism, government regulation of greenhouse gases may at first glance seem like a reasonable step.

But take a step back and consider what this ruling means in practice. According to the EPA, greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and a host of other gases that are emitted whenever people heat their homes, drive their cars, mow their lawns, tend their farms, or, for that matter, breath.

Without so much as a vote being cast, the EPA regulation suddenly micro-manages all of this. It makes all economic activity more expensive. It makes creating jobs more difficult.

It puts government bureaucrats, not entrepreneurs, at the center of our economy.

The ruling is alarming in its breadth, but perhaps even more disturbing is what it reveals about the Obama administration’s view of democratic and constitutional government.

The Obama administration seems to regard government of the people, by the people and for the people as an inconvenience rather than a blessing. If the peoples’ representatives in Congress do what it wants, great. If not, they will use their power to get their way by any means necessary.

Apparently, that includes issuing open threats to another branch of government. Here’s what an anonymous senior administration official told Congress, speaking through the New York Times:

“If you don’t pass this legislation, then . . . the EPA is going to have to regulate in this area,” the official said. “And it is not going to be able to regulate on a market-based way, so it’s going to have to regulate in a command-and-control way, which will probably generate even more uncertainty.”

The arrogance and totalitarianism of this statement are breathtaking. Not only does it reveal shocking contempt for the rule of law, but the official concedes that he or she will allow the EPA to further damage the struggling economy–i.e. “generate even more uncertainty”–in order to enact the administration’s climate change agenda.

With this bullying gesture, the Obama administration reveals its true goals. It’s not interested in protecting the American people or our environment. It’s not interested in creating jobs, no matter how many big-government “stimulus” packages it proposes.
Its interest is in power, and there is a word for a government whose primary purpose is the accumulation and exercise of power over the citizenry–totalitarian.

The fact that this totalitarianism takes the form of a bureaucratic dictatorship earnestly claiming to protect the environment doesn’t change what it is.

A Congress that allows itself to be threatened and intimidated in this way will not long serve its purpose of representing the American people.

And an American people who allow the representative branch of government to be nullified by an imperial executive branch will not long have representative government.
Most of the international elite applauding the Obama EPA power grab in Copenhagen this week made their peace with bureaucratic dictatorship long ago. The question now is whether America will follow the same path.

Newt Gingrich is a senior fellow at AEI.
Hmmm....sounds very familiar - Undecided

Over to you Sandy - Big Grin

MTF...P2 Tongue

Messages In This Thread
'The' Mandarin. - by Kharon - 10-02-2015, 07:24 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 10-06-2015, 04:51 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by P7_TOM - 10-07-2015, 11:40 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 10-07-2015, 04:34 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 10-07-2015, 08:16 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 10-08-2015, 11:13 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 10-08-2015, 12:33 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 10-22-2015, 07:34 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Kharon - 10-23-2015, 03:26 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Kharon - 11-03-2015, 06:49 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 11-03-2015, 05:35 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 11-05-2015, 07:19 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 11-09-2015, 06:20 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by P7_TOM - 11-09-2015, 09:05 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by P7_TOM - 11-16-2015, 06:15 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 11-18-2015, 09:18 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Kharon - 11-26-2015, 05:42 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 12-07-2015, 07:38 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Kharon - 12-11-2015, 06:33 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 12-16-2015, 05:35 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Sandy Reith - 12-17-2015, 02:17 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by ventus45 - 12-18-2015, 08:00 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Kharon - 12-19-2015, 05:54 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 01-05-2016, 05:58 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 01-17-2016, 11:00 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 02-03-2016, 07:51 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 02-23-2016, 07:03 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by P7_TOM - 03-21-2016, 06:01 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by ventus45 - 03-21-2016, 10:52 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 03-21-2016, 11:59 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 04-06-2016, 06:48 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 04-07-2016, 08:15 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 04-07-2016, 10:43 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 04-13-2016, 10:19 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Kharon - 04-14-2016, 05:58 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 04-20-2016, 09:07 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 04-22-2016, 03:03 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 05-23-2016, 03:31 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 06-14-2016, 05:04 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 07-04-2016, 08:38 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Kharon - 07-05-2016, 07:13 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 08-24-2016, 09:46 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 08-24-2016, 12:01 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 09-27-2016, 11:58 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 09-27-2016, 12:06 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Sandy Reith - 09-30-2016, 04:06 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 10-10-2016, 07:53 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Sandy Reith - 10-11-2016, 09:02 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Kharon - 10-12-2016, 06:41 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Sandy Reith - 10-20-2016, 04:59 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 10-22-2016, 07:25 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 10-28-2016, 09:59 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 11-10-2016, 10:48 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 11-10-2016, 11:19 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 11-12-2016, 10:55 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 12-06-2016, 04:17 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 12-07-2016, 08:42 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 01-03-2017, 06:25 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 01-23-2017, 10:06 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 01-24-2017, 11:35 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 02-12-2017, 10:06 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by thorn bird - 01-28-2017, 07:15 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 01-28-2017, 09:18 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 01-28-2017, 12:30 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 02-06-2017, 06:08 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 02-06-2017, 10:06 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 02-09-2017, 08:54 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 02-12-2017, 02:01 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 02-20-2017, 07:14 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 03-27-2017, 07:32 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 04-24-2017, 09:36 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 04-24-2017, 11:45 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 04-26-2017, 08:48 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 04-26-2017, 07:23 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 04-28-2017, 10:30 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 05-22-2017, 10:22 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 06-16-2017, 12:37 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 06-16-2017, 05:24 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Kharon - 06-16-2017, 07:18 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 06-17-2017, 02:12 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 06-18-2017, 09:30 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 08-25-2017, 03:32 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Cap'n Wannabe - 08-27-2017, 08:17 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 09-04-2017, 07:43 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Sandy Reith - 09-06-2017, 05:07 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by thorn bird - 09-07-2017, 08:25 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 04-17-2018, 08:15 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Kharon - 10-13-2018, 07:55 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 10-13-2018, 09:42 AM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 02-01-2019, 07:19 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Gobbledock - 02-01-2019, 10:48 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 06-13-2019, 02:06 PM
RE: 'The' Mandarin. - by Peetwo - 06-10-2021, 05:17 PM

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