Senate Estimates.

Update: Hansard & tabled docs etc.

Via the Parlinfo webpages:

Quote:Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee
(Senate-Tuesday, 23 May 2017)
Or:  [Image: pdf.gif]Download PDF  
And from the RRAT Estimates webpage:

Quote:Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Index of Questions on Notice: (to be uploaded when available)
Answers are due 7 July 2017.

Tabled Documents
View File

Tabled Document No.1

Infrastructure spending by state 2013-14 to 2019-20, Question on notice from Additional Estimates 2016-17, received from the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, on22 May 2017.
(PDF 1014KB)

Tabled Document No.2

List of projects, received from Mr Mrdak, Secretary, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, on 22 May 2017.
(PDF 1249KB)

Tabled Document No.3

Opening statement, received from the Australian National Audit Office, on 23 May 2017.
(PDF 3806KB)

Tabled Document No.4

Correspondence from Dr Gate to Mr Carmody, Acting CEO of CASA, dated 20 March 2017, received from Senator Xenophon, on 23 May 2017.
(PDF 701KB)

Tabled Document No.5

Correspondence from Dr Gates to Mr Carmody, Acting CEO of CASA, dated 20 April 2017, received from Senator Xenophon, on 23 May 2017.
(PDF 1105KB)

Tabled Document No.6

Correspondence from Mr Carmody, Acting CEO of CASA to Dr Gates, dated 8 May 2017, received from Senator Xenophon, on 23 May 2017.
(PDF 826KB)

Tabled Document No.7

Opening statement, received from Mr Hood, Chief Commissioner of Australian Transport Safety Bureau, on 23 May 2017.
(PDF 1634KB)

MTF...P2 Tongue

The ABC is continuing to do aviation proud; the reporting and coverage of ‘matters aeronautical’ deserves our recognition and thanks.  The real truth is a shocker and it costs Australia a fortune. There may even be a few spare choc frogs about the place.

Nice one.

In regards to our alphabet soup aviation agencies, Sen Fawcett goes on record;

Senator Fawcett says that is disappointing, but not surprising.
"ATSB and CASA, time and again, in the face of quite specific and damning evidence that was drawn from their own records and their own internal documents, have essentially said nothing to see here, move on," he said.

People should sit up and take notice when Sen Fawcett speaks. He is a man who knows aviation. He also knows politics and he understands the void of bullshit that sits in between both. It is a tricky path for any mortal to navigate. But the man is on the right track, he has well and truly picked up on a poo scent and he is tracking it back to its Aviation House source!

I hope that one day in the future I can sit with Senators Fawcett, Xenophon, Braces, Sterle and others and raise a glass and finally offer up a toast to reform. We got there! But my fear is that we will be sitting in a dark pub drowning our sorrows over warm beer over which we have lost our 'thirst' Due to the announcement of a major Australian smoking hole on Australian soil. I hope I am wrong. I really do. Don't worry though, Barnaby and NFI 6D won't be aware it happened as they will be in a different pub celebrating their lobotomies and taking selfies of each other 'skinning the rabbit' at the urinals!


Apropos of SFA.

Had a chat with a BRB fellah who is ‘into’ politics – see’s the bigger picture and is able to explain to a political dunderhead the what and why for of what appear to strange things. He’s also not too bad at seeing the ‘big picture’; so an educational, entertaining coup[le of hours well spent. A lot of it don’t signify, but discussion of the transport ministry, the minister and associated always gets my attention. Seems that the government is up to it’s collective in alligators, the smallest of which is the aviation one. Many other significant problems, mostly of a true ‘political’ nature and to do with re-election occupy much time and demand much effort. Which leaves aviation short, add that to a minister who could not give a rats arse and you end up with the situation we have at present.

Yet there are some serious political points to be scored – and the ideal man to regain lost political ground is sitting about doing not too much. BarmyBaby could dig Daren 6D and the Nats out of a bad position into a starring role, simply by asking Fawcett to manage matters aeronautical for a while – Junior minister – that sort of thing. Even if it was just to get things back on track, that would free up the minister to do whatever it is he do do and gain some kudos for digging the Australian aviation reputation out of the crap it’s buried in. With a stroke of the pen – light from darkness and credit all around. I don’t know a lot about politics, but I do know that the light reflected from a golden ‘win’ shines on all. Makes perfect sense to me – more sense than being photographed in the loo, pissing on an industry’s concerns. There is a perfectly serviceable expert right there in the Senate, why not use him, to the betterment of all?  

Aye; when you need heart surgery, you don’t call in a plumber.

Toot toot -

Senators back to work: "A rolling stone gathers no moss" - Rolleyes

An oldy but a goldy "K" and definitely well worth regurgitating... Wink

Quote:Senate Committee releases damning report into Australia's aviation authorities
By Naomi Woodley

Thu 23 May 2013, 9:24pm

[Image: 4709746-3x2-340x227.jpg]

Photo: Pilot Dominic James was praised as a hero but later largely blamed for the crash in an ATSB report (Supplied)

Related Story: Report raises concerns over aviation bodies' competency
Related Story: Pilot 'a hero' for emergency ocean landing
Related Story: Six rescued after plane ditches into sea

A Senate Committee inquiry has cast serious doubt on the standard of Australia's air safety regulators, warning of systemic failures.

The committee has been examining the way the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) conducts its investigations, and works with other safety agencies.

The inquiry was set up in the wake of a highly criticised report by the ATSB into the ditching of a medical evacuation plane in November 2009.

The flight, operated by Pel Air, ditched into the ocean off the coast of Norfolk Island after repeatedly trying to land in bad weather.

Remarkably, all six people on the Pel Air flight survived the crash, including the patient being taken from Samoa to Australia.

Captain Dominic James was initially praised as a hero, but after taking three years to complete, a report by the ATSB largely blamed him for the crash.

"It was quite unexpected to see that the focus of the investigation was solely upon me," Mr James said.

The Senate Committee has now delivered its own scathing assessment of that investigation.

It found there was little solid evidence to support the view that Mr James was to blame.
Independent Senator Nick Xenophon says the inquiry has found there were two internal reports by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) showing it knew about broader safety and management problems at Pel Air.

The inquiry says the reports should have been provided to the ATSB, but were not.

"If they've stuffed up in relation to this, where else are they going wrong, because this raises very serious systemic issues," Senator Xenophon said.

"This report must not, cannot be ignored because the issues it raises are simply so serious."

Australian Broadcasting Corporation ...         
Audio: Senate scathing of air safety regulators (PM)

Liberal Senator David Fawcett says that has been referred to the Federal Police for further review.

"CASA actually have an obligation to make the ATSB aware that documents exist that are relevant to the investigation and to provide those documents," he said.

He and Senator Xenophon agree that the ATSB's report was seriously deficient.

"By ignoring all of the systemic issues, the role of the company, the role of the regulator, you get things like fatigue - by not covering those issues, there are very few if any safety lessons that came out of this report for industry," Senator Fawcett said.

"And it's those safety lessons that actually help prevent future accidents and those who are completely absent from this process."

The inquiry has made 26 recommendations, including redrafting the information sharing agreement between CASA and the ATSB, and re-opening the Pel Air inquiry.

The crash, and subsequent 90 minutes in the water left the flight nurse on board, Karen Casey, with serious nerve damage, psychological trauma, and unable to work.
She says the report must be acted on.

"It seems to be quite clear that there are big problems in our aviation industry," she said.

"The truth has finally been revealed."

Wider problems?

Mick Quinn, a former senior executive at CASA and an air safety expert, says the problems with the Pel Air investigation point to wider systemic failures.

"If we know there are problems with oversight of a particular operator, there's highly likely to be problems with oversight of other operators also," he said.

"So what don't we know - that's the major issue, and that affects everyone, not just Pel Air."

But Senator Fawcett says travellers on big commercial airlines should not be alarmed.

"But I do believe that there are significant improvements we could be making in other areas, where passengers such as people who travel on aircraft as an emergency patient or an air ambulance transfer could have much higher standards and I think industry have a role to play with CASA in determining how those standards should be derived and then enforced," he said.

The report does not vindicate the pilot of the medivac flight, but Mr James says the findings are still a relief.

"There were things I wish I did better on the night, but I don't believe that I operated in a vacuum and the Senate committee also feels the same way," he said.
Both the ATSB and CASA are standing by their actions.

Senator Fawcett says that is disappointing, but not surprising.

"ATSB and CASA, time and again, in the face of quite specific and damning evidence that was drawn from their own records and their own internal documents, have essentially said nothing to see here, move on," he said.

But both agencies say they will give the Senate inquiry due consideration.

Reading that makes you realise how little has changed since the damning findings of the Senate committee were first released - quite depressing really... Undecided  

Anyway on a positive note I see the RRAT committee have not wasted time getting down to business. Yesterday in the Senate at 1 minute past prayers it was tabled and agreed on:

Quote:Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee—private briefing during the sitting of the Senate today, from 4.30 pm.

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee—public meeting during the sitting of the Senate today, from 3.30 pm, to take evidence for the committee's inquiry into use of the Flag of Convenience shipping in Australia.

The PRESIDENT (12:31): Does any senator wish to have the question put on any of those proposals? There being none, we will proceed.

At about the same time the RRAT committee Secretariat announced on their inquiry webpage that there will be two public Senate Inquiry hearings to be held this Friday in Melbourne... Rolleyes
Quote:16 June 2017
Hmm...interesting, Sterlo & Barry O have been busy - TICK TOCK 6D... Rolleyes

MTF...P2 Tongue

IOS & BRB wish list

(06-14-2017, 08:03 AM)kharon Wrote:  Apropos of SFA.

Had a chat with a BRB fellah who is ‘into’ politics – see’s the bigger picture and is able to explain to a political dunderhead the what and why for of what appear to strange things. He’s also not too bad at seeing the ‘big picture’; so an educational, entertaining coup[le of hours well spent. A lot of it don’t signify, but discussion of the transport ministry, the minister and associated always gets my attention. Seems that the government is up to it’s collective in alligators, the smallest of which is the aviation one. Many other significant problems, mostly of a true ‘political’ nature and to do with re-election occupy much time and demand much effort. Which leaves aviation short, add that to a minister who could not give a rats arse and you end up with the situation we have at present.

Yet there are some serious political points to be scored – and the ideal man to regain lost political ground is sitting about doing not too much. BarmyBaby could dig Daren 6D and the Nats out of a bad position into a starring role, simply by asking Fawcett to manage matters aeronautical for a while – Junior minister – that sort of thing. Even if it was just to get things back on track, that would free up the minister to do whatever it is he do do and gain some kudos for digging the Australian aviation reputation out of the crap it’s buried in. With a stroke of the pen – light from darkness and credit all around. I don’t know a lot about politics, but I do know that the light reflected from a golden ‘win’ shines on all. Makes perfect sense to me – more sense than being photographed in the loo, pissing on an industry’s concerns. There is a perfectly serviceable expert right there in the Senate, why not use him, to the betterment of all?  

Aye; when you need heart surgery, you don’t call in a plumber.

Toot toot -

No.2  Dear Senators can we have one of these please? Rolleyes

Quote:thorn bird - From the magazine "flying".

Amazing difference between the US and Australia.

Wink In the US legislating to guarantee aviation growth.

 Dodgy In Australia legislating to guarantee Aviations decline.

Quote: Wrote:Senate Introduces Flight Act of 2017

Sen. James Inhofe spearheads the GA-friendly bill as experts point to $100 billion in needed airport infrastructure improvements in the next five years.

By Jake Lamb 17 hours ago

[Image: jim-inhofe.jpg?itok=mNq682Oa&fc=50,50]Sen. Jim Inhofe (pictured in 2016) spearheaded the Flight Act of 2017 in support of general aviation airports and other aviation factors.
James Inhofe/Facebook

Infrastructure investments at U.S. general aviation airports may become a lot more flexible thanks to a bipartisan bill introduced by Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.).

S.1320, the Forward Looking Investment in General Aviation, Hangars, and Tarmacs (Flight) Act of 2017, among other things, moves to reform Non-Primary Entitlement (NPE) funding, cut red tape for environmental reviews for GA airport projects, and designates certain airports across the country as “Disaster Relief Airports.”

Inhofe, a member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and a certified pilot with over 11,000 hours, boasted many positive reasons for the legislation.

“Our general aviation airports are vital to aviation safety and positively impact the efficiency of large commercial airports, emergency medical operations, law enforcement activities and agriculture and small businesses activities throughout the United States,” Inhofe said in an announcement on his website. “These airports also manage military-related air operations, which directly supports the readiness of our armed services. To enjoy these benefits, it is vital that our GA airports are equipped to handle their day-to-day demands.

“Oklahoma is home to 96 GA airports, which will need $303 million in critical infrastructure updates over the next five years. As a pilot myself, I know first-hand the needs of the GA community and the Flight Act makes a number of needed reforms to facilitate GA airport infrastructure investment. The Flight Act allows GA airports more FAA funding flexibility, expedites the environmental review process and incentivizes public private partnerships. This legislation builds upon past Congressional efforts to support GA airports and will ultimately grow the positive impact GA airports have on the larger airport ecosystem.”

Duckworth, who is also a pilot, said he also understands why small airports are a benefit.

“As a general aviation pilot, I know how important small and rural airports are to communities across the state of Illinois,” said Duckworth. “That’s why I’m proud to help introduce this bipartisan legislation with Sen. Inhofe to ensure these airports have the resources they need to support local job growth and economic development.”

Most see it as a step in the right direction because of how crucial infrastructure improvement is at GA airports.

"With U.S. airports in need of $100 billion in infrastructure improvements in the next five years, the Flight Act is a positive step forward in helping general aviation airports better serve their communities,” said Kevin Burke, president and CEO of Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA).

The bill also received positive feedback from AOPA President and CEO Mark Baker and others.

“The Flight Act addresses the growing needs of our nation’s system of airports by providing the FAA with long overdue flexibility it needs to fund important projects,” said Baker. “Maintaining and upgrading runways, taxiways, and aprons and meeting the need for new hangars, helps keep airports and communities vibrant and competitive. This bill also takes a critically important step in recognizing the vital role that reliever airports play in natural disaster relief efforts.”

“We commend Sen. Inhofe’s unwavering commitment to general aviation as the Flight Act — among other things — will reinvest much-needed funding into non-primary airports across the country,” said Mark Kimberling, president and CEO of National Association of State Aviation Officials. “We look forward to continuing our work with the Senator and his colleagues throughout the legislative process and beyond to ensure that our national network of general aviation airports remains the envy of the world.”

Details of S. 1320, the Flight Act:
  • Reforms Non-Primary Entitlement (NPE) funding by giving GA airports more time to accumulate FAA funding for projects and ensures available discretionary funding originally set aside for GA airports remains available for projects at GA airports through a nationally competitive process.
  • Improves Project Delivery by extending to GA airport projects the same expedited and coordinated environmental review process used for projects at large congested airports. These reforms would empower GA airports with flexibility to devote needed resources to improving their infrastructure.
  • Establishes a pilot program for Public Private Partnerships at GA Airports to attract private sector investment for the construction of private hangars, business hangars or investments in other facilities so general aviation airports can grow as hubs of economic activity and job growth.
  • Designates certain airports across the country as “Disaster Relief Airports” and provides access to funding set aside for airports to use for required emergency planning activities, equipment, or facilities. This provision would help designated airports that lack the resources and personnel to adequately prepare for responding to disasters.
  • Clarifies Aeronautical Activity at Airports by ensuring that the construction of recreational aircraft is an aeronautical activity at airports.
TAGS: [/size]

P2 - Excellent catch Thorny how about we share it around... [Image: wink.gif]


The Alphabets, IOS, PAINCorp and other assorted GA Retrobates, tendentious bloggers etc. Wink

Estimates & drone inquiry update... Rolleyes

RRAT Budget Estimates report released:  

Quote:Budget Estimates 2017-2018 (May 2017)

View report - (PDF 250KB)

Aviation and Airports Division

2.21      The committee began by pursuing questions regarding pedestrian and cycling access to Brisbane Airport. Senators expressed an interest in ensuring that employees have safe access to the workplace via these lanes.[37]

2.22      The committee was advised that the Aviation and Airports Division is working closely with the ATSB and CASA to address any concerns about the use of drones. The committee was particularly interested in the use of drones in the vicinity of other aircraft and airports, the level of training provided to recreational drone pilots, and a prospective safety review of drones to be conducted by CASA.[38]

2.23      The committee inquired into the third runway being constructed at Tullamarine Airport and the extension of an existing runway. Officers of the department informed the committee that under the current master plan, 'everything will be in place around 2022' which includes the third runway running east-west and the extension of the current east-west runway.[39]

2.24      The committee also sought information on the construction of Western City Airport. The committee was advised of the tender process and prequalification details that would allow small companies to tender for aspects of the construction. Comparisons were drawn to the Wellcamp airport development and construction.[40]

Australian National Audit Office

2.25      The committee called the ANAO to estimates assist with its inquiries into the performance of Airservices Australia (Airservices). The ANAO conducted three pieces of audit work in relation to Airservices with its most recent Audit Report No. 46 of 2016–17 concerning the Conduct of the OneSKY Tender. The audits were undertaken following correspondence from the committee in the 44th Parliament raising concerns about the performance of Airservices. Immediately following the appearance of the ANAO, the committee called Airservices. The committee then called the ANAO back to clarify evidence before returning to Airservices.

Airservices Australia

2.26      The committee focused on the most recent OneSKY tender process and the ANAO's observations about Airservices' evaluation process which resulted in a higher price outcome.[41] In particular, the committee sought information about the ANAO's audit conclusions that the 'evaluation of tendered prices against the cost criterion was not conducted in a robust and transparent manner'.[42] According to the ANAO, it was 'not clearly evident that the successful tenderer offered the best value for money'.[43]

2.27      The committee pursued these matters with Airservices. It examined the phases of the evaluation process and the five criteria used by the tender evaluation working group to evaluate the proposals.[44] It considered conflict of interest issues and questioned Airservices about the role of the International Centre for Complex Project Management (ICCPM), the subject of a previous performance audit by the ANAO.[45]

2.28      Other matters raised with Airservices by the committee included the 38 international air traffic controllers residing in Australia who are currently on 457 or other visas. The committee sought information on the impact of recent visa arrangements on those personnel and was informed that Airservices was working with them individually.
[46] The committee questioned Airservices about aircraft noise monitoring as well as community consultation processes undertaken regarding aircraft noise including the regular airport and noise forums.[47]

Civil Aviation Safety Authority

2.29      The committee focused its attention on the safety of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) and amendments to part 101 of the Civil Aviation and Safety Regulations 1998 which commenced in September 2016.[48] The committee was informed that since September 2016, the CASA received 5,428 notifications from small commercial operators intending to undertake RPAS operations.

2.30      The committee sought an update on the review of aviation safety regulations in relation to the operations of drones announced by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport on 10 October 2016. It was informed that the review was yet to start as the terms of reference were still being developed.[49]

2.31      The committee pursued questions about the safety of recreational drone use and sought information on the education program undertaken by CASA to target recreational users.[50]

2.32      Questions were asked by the committee about public safety zones around airports. CASA informed the committee that it is engaged in the National Airports Safeguarding Framework public safety zone discussions.[51]

Australian Transport Safety Bureau

2.33      The committee sought information on recent investigations, including in relation to the Pel-Air VH‑NGA accident off Norfolk Island in 2009. The committee was informed that the investigation will be concluded and the report released at the end of September 2017.[52]

2.34      Other questions related to the ATSB's A safety analysis of remotely piloted aerial systems report and the dangers of flying drones in the vicinity of other aircraft. Inquiries were also made into the investigation of the Essendon airport crash. The committee was advised that investigations are ongoing.[53]

Office of Transport Security

2.35      The committee sought information on the requirements needed to qualify for an Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC) or a Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC). The committee was informed of a number of qualifying requirements, particularly regarding previous criminal offences and the lack of discretionary powers to prevent those with a criminal record from obtaining a licence.[54]

2.36      The committee inquired into security designations at airports. The committee expressed concerns about the security risks posed by flags-of-convenience shipping and sought information on the lower threshold required to obtain a maritime crew visa (MCV) rather than a MSIC. It requested information and expressed concern over different agencies regulating the two qualifications.[55]

2.37      The committee was informed about new procedures at airports regarding electronic devices in carry-on luggage and additional screening at domestic and transiting airports.[56]

For those interested Hansard for last Friday's drone inquiry hearing: 16 Jun 2017 Melbourne, VIC (HTML & PDF)

Quote:CHAIR: Tell us all about that. You can come out swinging if you want to. I understand you are employed by Air Services Australia—they are good mates of ours! Let's get that out of the way. We had Senate estimates two weeks ago, and CASA was there. CASA's leadership have this view—I am going to be really careful and bite my tongue, here—along the lines of: bird strikes are a problem but it takes a lot of birds to give us a problem. They really did not coat themselves in any glory, in my humble opinion—in fact, my opinion is not humble; it is straight out there. Tell us all about what happened last week and similar events, because there is this view out there of 'she'll be right; don't worry about it.'

CHAIR: Thank you. I will go to Senator Back because of the firefighting aspect, but I just want to say this first. This committee is absolutely aware of the importance of RPAS for our nation—of everything that you have mentioned. But I want to put something in your minds, because you probably do not sit back and think, 'I will read Senate estimates Hansard because I am bored and I will find a spark there.' The new executive director of CASA, Mr Carmody, sat in front of us two weeks ago and tried to insult this committee, that we should not be worried about drones because we have not had a strike so far, and what is the big deal. Those are my words; you can check it out. I have no faith in him and he needs to get off his shiny backside with his high pay and start listening to people like you. This committee will not take a backward step. If he wants to roll up his sleeves and have a box, I will too! While CASA is full of some fantastically hardworking and committed people, I have no faith in the top end of that organisation's view of the world. I have got that off my chest now. Mr Carmody is going to hear more from us anyway, so do not worry. It will be reported back to him. I am sure he will be listening. He knows how to get hold of me. Do you get the impression I am not impressed with Mr Carmody?

Senator O'SULLIVAN: He can get on to you but not get on with you!

Gold, pure gold Sterlo.. Wink

MTF...P2 Tongue

Update: Drone Inquiry public hearings

Today's hearing has been cancelled:
Quote:23 Jun 2017 Cancelled [Image: pdf.png] [Image: pdf.png]

However the committee will not be resting on their laurels... Wink
Quote:26 Jun 2017 Sydney, NSW [Image: pdf.png] (program) [Image: pdf.png] (submissions)

[Image: program-26-June.jpg]

28 Jun 2017 Brisbane, QLD [Image: pdf.png] (program) [Image: pdf.png] (submissions)

[Image: program-28-June.jpg]

MTF...P2 Tongue

Budget Estimates QON index & AQON due 7 July - Rolleyes

Via RRAT Committee Budget Estimates webpage: Budget Estimates 2017-18
Quote:Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
Index of Questions on Notice: PDF 661KB
Answers are due 7 July 2017.
MTF...P2 Tongue

(07-05-2017, 06:24 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  Budget Estimates QON index & AQON due 7 July - Rolleyes

Via RRAT Committee Budget Estimates webpage: Budget Estimates 2017-18
Quote:Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
Index of Questions on Notice: PDF 661KB
Answers are due 7 July 2017.

Update: AQON processed so far.  

Via email:
Quote:..Thank you for your email. We have now published all answers to the QONs that we have received, including some from the aviation safety agencies and the Department’s Aviation and Airports division. Please note, we are still awaiting responses for a number of the QONs within these divisions...

AQON so far:
Quote:1-5 Corporate Services

6-13, 166 Australian Rail Track Corporation

14-23 Infrastructure Australia

24-82, 167-170 Infrastructure Investment
PDF 490KB*

83-85 Policy and Research

86-90, 171 Australian Maritime Safety Authority
PDF 406KB*

91-100 Aviation and Airports

101-116 Airservices Australia

117-126 Civil Aviation Safety Authority

127-128 Australian Transport Safety Bureau

129-130 Office of Transport Security

131-149,172 Surface Transport Policy
PDF 296KB*

150-153 Local Government and Territories

154-160 Western Sydney Unit

161 National Capital Authority

162-165 Executive

*Incomplete, awaiting additional responses.

I have thanked the RRAT Secretariat for their efforts to process the available AQON in a timely manner. In my memory of published AQON from M&M's department this is by far the most AQON forwarded to the Secretariat by the due date.

However I do question the delay within the aviation safety divisions, I mean how hard is it to answer the bloody QON... Dodgy


MTF...P2 Cool

Chester under siege on Airport security & safety - Part II  

Following on from the recent discourse on the ever popular Chester thread - Chester under fire on airport safety..err security & safety - Nick Xenophon has now jumped into the fray in support of the AusALPA concerns, with some even more embarrassing MSM coverage... Blush

Quote:Pilots concerned about aircraft security
Updated: 8:19 pm, Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Airline pilots are seriously concerned about inconsistencies in the security screening of ground and air staff at Australia's major airports.

The Australian Airline Pilots Association is questioning why its 5000 members are subjected to stricter screening than others with aircraft access, including baggage handlers, cleaners and catering staff.

'It's our belief that for a long time that has been a gap in the aviation security system - that people that do have access to the aircraft should have the same level of screening as people that come through the terminal,' Australian Airline Pilots Association president Murray Butts told Sky News Australia.

'The people conducting the screening within the terminal should be government employees, in an organisation such as TSA, and we have said that with the super ministry that's being created under Peter Dutton, we believe that's a great opportunity to achieve that.'

The demand for action echoes calls by transport workers and federal police as airport security is tightened following an alleged foiled plot to bomb or gas a passenger plane out of Sydney.

Pilots are also unconvinced about private contractors doing security screening rather than a government agency.

Captain Butt says these issues have been raised with the government in the past but have fallen on deaf ears.

Senator Nick Xenophon, who spearheaded a recent inquiry into aviation security, has told Sky News he will urge the government to plug the screening gap when parliament returns next week.

'Right now I'm focused on the loophole in the legislation in terms of domestic flights you don't have to show any ID, I think that's something that needs to be looked at,'he said.

'Pilots, more than anyone, want to make sure that their passengers go from A to B safely.'

The Transport Workers Union has also panned airport security, saying high staff turnover means workers without security clearance are being granted access to high-risk areas.

National secretary Tony Sheldon says casual staff are allowed behind the scenes without adequate training.

He wants a single authority in charge of national airport safety.

Deakin University counter-terrorism expert Professor Greg Barton believes everyday Australians will be willing to accept delays if they know exactly why the screening procedures are in place and has called for greater security procedures at regional airports.

'Regional airports should have proper security clearing of all hand luggage,' Professor Barton told Sky News Australia.

'There should be identity checks for all passengers flying in Australia, whether they're flying domestically or internationally. It wouldn't be a great imposition on people flying if people understood the reason they might accept why they may have to go out and get an identity card if they don't have a licence or a passport.'

Police fear organised crime figures are getting work at airports and ports and exploiting their security passes to influence the screening of cargo and passengers.

More than 60 organisations and companies can issue aviation and maritime security identification cards, with the AFP warning the more people who can dish them out, the more vulnerable they become.

There are 250,000 aviation and maritime security cards issued but the regulator responsible cannot say how many workers have ceased employment and not given their cards back.

The passes are issued by organisations including airlines, the immigration department and port operators, and while the Office of Transport Security runs card-return campaigns, nobody has ever been fined for refusing.

The agency is investigating adding biometrics to security cards and cutting the number of issuers.

It is also boosting screening of airport staff working in restricted areas, expanding the scope of background checks and forcing those who issue ID cards to verify identities face-to-face.

Anyone with links to serious or organised crime would be blocked from getting identification cards under legislation before parliament.

Also via the Oz... Rolleyes

Quote:Pilots want ID checks on domestic flights

[Image: 5d30a0941f30f04345b316e64631f913]8:26pmEAN HIGGINS

The peak airline pilots body has demanded the government requires domestic passengers to show photo ID before boarding.

The peak airline pilots body has demanded the federal government require domestic airline passengers to produce photo identification before boarding aircraft, as part of a three-pronged strategy to tighten airport security.

The call, announced in Sydney by Australian Airline Pilots Association president Murray Butt and South Australian independent senator Nick Xenophon, will put more pressure on Transport Minister Darren Chester.

Mr Chester has flagged increased security measures at airports since arrests at the weekend of alleged Islamic terrorists in Sydney over a claimed plot to bring down an airliner.

But security experts say those measures — such as randomly and publicly searching by hand suitcases that routinely will be X-rayed out of sight anyway before being put in the cargo hold — are more show than substance.

However, ID checks matched against terror watch lists would make a big difference, says international security and terrorism expert Carl Ungerer.

“Sixteen years after 9/11 it seems incongruous that screening at airports still has gaps,” said Dr Ungerer, formerly of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and now at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy.

“Aircraft remain a high priority for terrorists because it meets their criteria for spectacle. Checking names against passports, as is done on international flights would seem to be a sensible precaution.”

[Image: 7e3f3f8630cb2c52c335f1845c77f5e6?width=650]ID checks matched against terror watch lists would make a big difference, says Carl Ungerer.

Aviation analysts suggest big carriers would privately lobby against such a requirement, which would undermine cost-saving efforts to reduce counter staff by having customers collect boarding cards from auto­mated kiosks and drop their bags at conveyor belts.

The federal government is also reluctant to meet another call by the pilots association: that a single federal government transport security agency employing its own staff take over airport security. In the US, such officers check passenger identities.

“There would be significant cost to government in establishing a single, centralised screening authority and developing the capability to manage it on an ongoing basis,” Mr Chester told The Australian. “The government also considers that a single, centralised screening authority would not result in any foreseeable improvement in security outcomes and would likely result in a cost increase for the travelling public.”

[Image: 6242a3ce671e9f35275a7535897953ef?width=650]Police patrol Sydney Airport on Monday. Picture: Getty

The third call from pilots and Senator Xenophon was for the federal government to require ground staff such as baggage handlers, caterers and cleaners, to face the same security screening as pilots and passengers.

Such workers, often casual staff or subcontractors, only have to flash ID cards at the security entrance and are not usually undergo metal detection screening or bag searches.

“It’s an inconsistency that needs to be rectified,’’ Captain Butt, who flies Qantas A380s, said in Sydney.

“It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to envisage how terrorism-inclined ground staff with access to planes on the tarmac could carry out an act not in the interest of that aircraft,” Captain Butt said.

Mr Chester told The Australian on Wednesday night: “There would be challenges and costs in implementing identity checking for all domestic flights.

“For example, there is no consistent form of identification used domestically across Australia.

“Domestic travellers (for example, minors) may not hold a valid Australian driver’s licence or ­passport.”

Of course none of the issues mentioned are any sort of revelation, you only need go back some 9 months to the evidence given by Alan Kessing at the refreshed now defunct Senate Airports Security inquiry:
(11-26-2016, 10:11 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  Senate Inquiry: Airport & Aviation Security MKII

Quote:21 Mr Allan Kessing (PDF 102 KB)
Then yesterday Binger, in the Oz, wrote a late article summarising the Allan Kessing submission and evidence given in the inquiry:
Quote:Airport screening a ‘facade’
[Image: 8624f3195b14c21b638adf8dd51ac8fd]1:56pmMitchell Bingemann

Whistleblower Allan Kessing says passenger screening is a “useless facade”, and intelligence gathering needs resources.

MTF...P2 Cool

The 2013 Senate RRAT committee Secretariat purge - Huh  

In the course of doing some trolling into the possible culprits that aided & abetted the obfuscation/delay on nine critical PelAir inquiry documents - see HERE & HERE - I discovered some 'passing strange' deckchair shuffling at the RRAT committee Secretariat that saw most of the deckchairs shoved off the deck in the lead up to the 2013 election:

Mr Tim Watling, Secretary (from 17 July 2013)
Mr Stephen Palethorpe, Secretary (until 16 July 2013)
Dr Jane Thomson, Principal Research Officer (from 21 October 2013)
Dr Richard Grant, Inquiry Secretary (from 16 May to 30 August 2013)
Dr Chris Curran, Principal Research Officer (until 5 July 2013)
Mr Terry Brown, Principal Research Officer (until 5 July 2013)
Dr Sean Turner, Principal Research Officer (from 16 May to 30 August 2013)
Mr Alistair Cadman, Principal Research Officer (from 16 May to 30 August 2013)
Ms Trish Carling, Senior Research Officer
Mr Nick Craft, Senior Research Officer (until 31 May 2013)
Ms Kirsty Cattanach, Research Officer
Ms Lauren Carnevale, Administrative Officer
Ms Madeleine Willis, Administrative Officer (from 16 May to 23 July 2013)

Makes the under the busses and deckchair shuffling at Airservices Australia look positively sedate... Confused

This got me thinking that maybe the Senate committee RRAT Secretariat was a fairly constant revolving door for public servants on the way up (& down)... Huh

So curious I looked at 2015:

Mr Tim Watling, Secretary
Dr Jane Thomson, Principal Research Officer
Ms Erin East, Principal Research Officer (from 27 October 2014)
Ms Bonnie Allan, Principal Research Officer (from 2 January 2015)
Ms Trish Carling, Senior Research Officer
Ms Kate Campbell, Research Officer
Ms Lauren Carnevale, Administrative Officer
It would appear that 2015 was pretty stable and on review of 2017 most of those same individuals are still part of the Secretariat. 2013 was possibly a one off aberration and maybe it had something to do with the election? However that doesn't really make sense because, other than a swapping of roles by the Heff and Sterlo as Chairs of the reference and legislative committees, the membership remained pretty much unchanged and has always been a steadfastly apolitical Senate committee.

Oh well curiosity itch is yet to be satisfactorily scratched - Confused

Thread drift over and remember Sir A fronts up 11 am tomorrow in front of the Senate Committee... Big Grin

MTF...P2 Cool

Chester under siege on Airport security & safety - Part III

(08-03-2017, 01:12 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  Following on from the recent discourse on the ever popular Chester thread - Chester under fire on airport safety..err security & safety - Nick Xenophon has now jumped into the fray in support of the AusALPA concerns, with some even more embarrassing MSM coverage... Blush

Quote:Pilots concerned about aircraft security
Updated: 8:19 pm, Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Also via the Oz... Rolleyes

Quote:Pilots want ID checks on domestic flights

[Image: 5d30a0941f30f04345b316e64631f913]8:26pmEAN HIGGINS

The peak airline pilots body has demanded the government requires domestic passengers to show photo ID before boarding.

Of course none of the issues mentioned are any sort of revelation, you only need go back some 9 months to the evidence given by Alan Kessing at the refreshed now defunct Senate Airports Security inquiry:
(11-26-2016, 10:11 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  Senate Inquiry: Airport & Aviation Security MKII

Quote:21 Mr Allan Kessing (PDF 102 KB)
Then yesterday Binger, in the Oz, wrote a late article summarising the Allan Kessing submission and evidence given in the inquiry:
Quote:Airport screening a ‘facade’
[Image: 8624f3195b14c21b638adf8dd51ac8fd]1:56pmMitchell Bingemann

Whistleblower Allan Kessing says passenger screening is a “useless facade”, and intelligence gathering needs resources.

Senator X calls on Chester & the Government to; (via Senate Hansard 09/08/17)

Quote:Senator Xenophon to move:

That the Senate—

(a) notes that:

   (i) the Australian Government has a fundamental duty to take all reasonable steps to ensure that air travel in Australia is safe from malicious or terrorist activities,
   (ii) Australia's aviation security obligations under the International Civil Aviation Organization's Convention on International Civil Aviation must be approached with world's-best practice in mind,
   (iii) as part of the current aviation safety regime, the following categories are examples of people subject to mandatory screening at major airport terminals: passengers, cabin crew and pilots, and
   (iv) with reference to regulation 4.11 of the Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005, the following categories are examples of Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC) holders who are not subject to mandatory screening at major airport terminals: baggage handlers, aircraft catering staff and ground service staff; and

(b) calls on the Government to repeal regulation 4.11 of the Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005 to provide consistency by mandating screening at major airport terminals for all persons, other than those set out in:

   (i) regulation 4.09(3) - people disembarking from an aircraft who have already been suitably screened, other than international transit passengers, cabin crew and pilots,
   (ii) regulation 4.10 - law enforcement officers, screening personnel managing a screening point, emergency personnel responding to an emergency and members of the Defence Force responding to an event or threat, and
   (iii) regulation 4.12 - heads of state, heads of government or foreign ministers.

Hmm..TICK, TOCK Chester -  Blush

MTF...P2  Cool

(08-10-2017, 12:24 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  Chester under siege on Airport security & safety - Part III

(08-03-2017, 01:12 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  Following on from the recent discourse on the ever popular Chester thread - Chester under fire on airport safety..err security & safety - Nick Xenophon has now jumped into the fray in support of the AusALPA concerns, with some even more embarrassing MSM coverage... Blush

Quote:Pilots concerned about aircraft security
Updated: 8:19 pm, Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Also via the Oz... Rolleyes

Quote:Pilots want ID checks on domestic flights

[Image: 5d30a0941f30f04345b316e64631f913]8:26pmEAN HIGGINS

The peak airline pilots body has demanded the government requires domestic passengers to show photo ID before boarding.

Of course none of the issues mentioned are any sort of revelation, you only need go back some 9 months to the evidence given by Alan Kessing at the refreshed now defunct Senate Airports Security inquiry:
(11-26-2016, 10:11 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  Senate Inquiry: Airport & Aviation Security MKII

Quote:21 Mr Allan Kessing (PDF 102 KB)
Then yesterday Binger, in the Oz, wrote a late article summarising the Allan Kessing submission and evidence given in the inquiry:
Quote:Airport screening a ‘facade’
[Image: 8624f3195b14c21b638adf8dd51ac8fd]1:56pmMitchell Bingemann

Whistleblower Allan Kessing says passenger screening is a “useless facade”, and intelligence gathering needs resources.

Senator X calls on Chester & the Government to; (via Senate Hansard 09/08/17)

Quote:Senator Xenophon to move:

That the Senate—

(a) notes that:

   (i) the Australian Government has a fundamental duty to take all reasonable steps to ensure that air travel in Australia is safe from malicious or terrorist activities,
   (ii) Australia's aviation security obligations under the International Civil Aviation Organization's Convention on International Civil Aviation must be approached with world's-best practice in mind,
   (iii) as part of the current aviation safety regime, the following categories are examples of people subject to mandatory screening at major airport terminals: passengers, cabin crew and pilots, and
   (iv) with reference to regulation 4.11 of the Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005, the following categories are examples of Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC) holders who are not subject to mandatory screening at major airport terminals: baggage handlers, aircraft catering staff and ground service staff; and

(b) calls on the Government to repeal regulation 4.11 of the Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005 to provide consistency by mandating screening at major airport terminals for all persons, other than those set out in:

   (i) regulation 4.09(3) - people disembarking from an aircraft who have already been suitably screened, other than international transit passengers, cabin crew and pilots,
   (ii) regulation 4.10 - law enforcement officers, screening personnel managing a screening point, emergency personnel responding to an emergency and members of the Defence Force responding to an event or threat, and
   (iii) regulation 4.12 - heads of state, heads of government or foreign ministers.

Update - From 'that man', via the Oz: 

Quote:Xenophon motion to require airport staff security checks rejected

[Image: 8ba4e8ea7f552814f206aec674188e3c?width=650]
Nick Xenophon Team leader Senator Nick Xenophon says the rejection of his motion is very disappointing.
  • The Australian

  • 3:11PM August 10, 2017
    [Image: ean_higgins.png]


The government has voted down a motion from independent Senator Nick Xenophon to require airport staff with access to aircraft including baggage handlers, caterers and cleaners to go through the same body and baggage security screens as aircrew and passengers.

Coalition senators rejected the motion when it came before the Senate this afternoon, despite robust announcements from Transport Minister Darren Chester and other ministers that they are tightening security after the alleged jihadist “meat grinder bomb” plot to take down an aircraft.

The Transport Workers Union, the Australian Airline Pilots Association and terrorism experts have warned that screening checks on staff entering airport security perimeters is too lax.

The Australian Federal Police last week told a parliamentary committee that organised crime has infiltrated such personnel.

Such workers, often casual staff or subcontractors, only have to flash ID cards at the security entrance and are not usually required to undergo metal detection screening or manual searches or X-ray screening of their bags, as passengers and aircrew are.

“It’s an inconsistency that needs to be rectified,’’ AAPA president Murray Butt, who flies Qantas A380s, said in Sydney last week.

“It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to envisage how terrorism-inclined ground staff with access to planes on the tarmac could carry out an act not in the interest of that aircraft,” Captain Butt said.

South Australian Senator Xenophon’s motion to the Senate this afternoon “calls on the Government to repeal Aviation Transport Safety Regulations Reg 4.11 to provide consistency by mandating screening at major airport terminals for all persons.”

The only exemptions would be for “people disembarking from an aircraft who have already been suitably screened”; law enforcement, security, and emergency staff; defence force personnel responding to a threat; and heads of state, heads of government or foreign ministers.

Labor joined the government in voting down the motion.

Senator Xenophon told The Australian following the vote he was “gobsmacked” the major parties and the Greens combined to defeat his motion.

“It is quite disappointing considering the assurances the government gave after the recent terror-related arrests that security at our airports was being boosted,” Senator Xenophon said.

“I have great respect for the work that ground crew at airports do, but this loophole fails to pass the most cursory of pub tests” Senator Xenophon said.

“How can the government ignore the peak body representing 5000 commercial aircraft pilots?”

“Australian travellers are going to trust the opinion of an experienced pilot over a politician any day over what needs to be done to improve airline safety.”

Senator Xenophon said he would continue to press the matter.
There was no immediate comment from Mr Chester’s office as to why the government voted against Senator Xenophon’s motion.

From Senate Hansard today:

Quote:Senator McGRATH (Queensland—Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister) (12:25): I seek leave to make a short statement.

The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Leave is granted for one minute.

[Image: 217241.jpg] Senator McGRATH: The coalition government's No.1 priority is the safety and security of Australians. The government is already implementing strengthened airside security arrangements at Australia's nine major airports. The Transport Security Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 was passed by parliament in March, and amendments to the Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005 are currently being drafted. The arrangements include the screening of people, vehicles and goods accessing security restricted areas. The International Civil Aviation Authority has determined that the strengthened airside security arrangements will meet its standards. The government can provide a briefing to Senator Xenophon and other interested senators on the strengthened arrangements.

[Image: 8IV.jpg] Senator XENOPHON (South Australia) (12:25): I seek leave to make a short statement.

The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Leave is granted for one minute.
[Image: 8IV.jpg] Senator XENOPHON: This motion relates to ensuring that the screening at our airports is consistent, including the ground staff. At the moment, ground staff, baggage handlers, cleaners, caterers and others who have an ASIC card aren't necessarily screened when they have access to an aircraft, unlike all passengers, pilots and crew of an aircraft.

This motion came about as a result of discussions I've had with the peak pilots body in this country, AusALPA, which represents 5,000 commercial airline pilots, whose foremost concern is the safety of their passengers. This motion is about calling on the government to close a loophole in the screening at our airports. I urge honourable senators to support this motion.

The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: The question is that the motion moved by Senator Xenophon be agreed to.

The Senate divided. [12:28]
(The Deputy President—Senator Lines)
Question negatived.

MTF...P2  Cool

Senator Xenophon told The Australian following the vote he was “gobsmacked” the major parties and the Greens combined to defeat his motion.

Why – FDS – is it that every time I go through to airside; wearing a uniform and an ASIC I get ‘done over’. Thorny reckons it’s ‘cos I look dodgy – then he cops it. The ‘gunpowder’ residual test really does my head in – seriously – but I’ve nutted it out. DO NOT have that last smoke before entering – shows positive every time. Then there is the saga of my ancient, valuable, rare, gifted to me by my Grand Papa pocket knife. As a climber the young “K” came to rely on the short, sharp blade; as a sailor a slightly less young  “K” used that knife to great effect, when ‘matters nautical’ turned unpleasant. It was a small, innocuous thing; 4” in old money; 100 mm in the new; with a handy corkscrew.

Part of the flight kit – in the bag – closed and innocuous. There I was; four gold bars; ASIC; 7 Kg flight axe, many tons of Jet A, lots of passengers awaiting departure – boots off, bag searched, ‘explosives' test passed;and, then, the buggers confiscated my Grand Papa’s old pocket knife.  

This is a BOLLOCKS – Only Chester could stuff this up – my bloody Aunt Fanny (known nut job) could board an aircraft under the domestic tyranny’s name on the boarding pass (has done)– but me! and I’m flying the bloody thing; can’t get past the troll at the gate to Nirvana without having to drop my dax, taking off boots and belt, flight kit ‘sniffed’; and, to top it off -  having my bloody knife confiscated – to be picked up later. That is another story – the case of the disappearing articles – seems ‘they’ can’t find it – only worth about a grand – on Ebay.

Toot - Go figure – toot.

Ante post odds @BRB.

The time for every thinking aviator to bang on the Senators doors – again – is drawing closer as the DIP connected to the Pel-Air ditching off Norfolk Island put the finishing touches to their response to ‘investigation Mark II. The timing of latest ‘reform’ smokescreen confirms it. My punters unerringly picked that one a while back; ‘Sooth the Senate’ short priced favourite in the lead up events to the running of the major race on the card.

One could argue that the latest feel good rhetoric from Sleepy Hollow comes as a result of good will, brought about by solid leadership and conscience. Perhaps CEO Carmody has read the Senate recommendations from the Pel-Air inquiry and the ASRR and realised that reform is essential. On the other hand, you could say that the ‘reform’ has been mooted simply to keep the Senate committee off the ministerial back.

My BRB tote board tells a very different story. The short priced favourite is ‘Fear of Comparison’.

The big money (from some very savvy, informed punters) supports the notion that ‘Fear’ of any holistic comparison between the Pel-Air weather related incident (Norfolk) and the Qantas/Virgin weather related incident (Mildura) will show the stark differences in the treatment of the two events. This, stand alone, begs questions to which, IMO, the Senate committee should demand answers.

More big money (from even more punters) supports the notion that ‘Fear’ of any holistic comparison between the treatment of Airtex and Pel-Air, under the direction of Chambers will raise questions that CASA will not dare to answer.

Where the tote shows some value in a bet is on the Senate committee actions. There is no guarantee that they will dive into these murky waters. The hope is that the second ATSB report into the Norfolk ditching will trigger a positive response to the on going aberrations. Despite the rhetoric until CASA are actually forced to face up to the reality of what has been perpetrated – in the name of ‘safety’ then there has been no value of an intrinsic or practical nature gained from the vast sums expended on the Pel-Air debacle. Some would go so far as to say that despite the noise generated by the Senate committee, if they don’t take positive action, do the comparisons and ensure that both ATSB and CASA are put firmly in their place; then they are just another bunch of stuffed shirts, banging their gums and allowing two out of control public safety agencies to continue doing as they please, when it pleases them best; without there being any recourse. The Senate action tote board item is still at 4/1; which makes it a good each way bet.  

Toot – toot:  (by the by MTF {lots of} is a bloody good bet).

Supplementary Budget Estimates - 23 October 2017.

Via RRAT Committee Estimates webpage:

Quote:Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport

On 8 February 2012, the names of the Senate standing committees on Rural Affairs and Transport were changed back to: the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee and the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee.

On 29 March 2017, the order of the Senate of 8 November 2016, which related to the hearings for the 2017-18 Budget estimates, was amended to insert cross portfolio estimates hearings on Murray Darling Basin Plan matters.

Supplementary budget hearings 2017–18

Monday, 23 October 2017
Infrastructure and Regional Development – Senator Nash
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Agriculture and Water Resources – Senator Ruston
Friday, 27 October 2017
Cross Portfolio Murray Darling Basin Plan Matters – Senator Ruston
Program (PDF 96KB)

Quote:[Image: Estimates-23-Oct-program.jpg]
MTF...P2 Tongue

Supplementary Senate Estimates: Spillover hearing

Took a bit of finding as there is no formal announcement but here is the program for tomorrow's Estimates spillover hearing... Wink

Quote:[Image: Untitled_Clipping_102617_075425_AM.jpg]
MTF...P2 Cool

(10-26-2017, 07:18 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  Supplementary Senate Estimates: Spillover hearing

Took a bit of finding as there is no formal announcement but here is the program for tomorrow's Estimates spillover hearing... Wink

Quote:[Image: Untitled_Clipping_102617_075425_AM.jpg]

Hansard out - Wink

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee
(Senate-Monday, 23 October 2017)

MTF...P2 Tongue

Estimates (spillover) hearing 27/10/17 - CASA

While we wait for Hansard here is most of the video footage of today's proceedings Wink :

MTF? Definitely...P2 Big Grin

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