The tale of Karen Casey.

Quote:P2 - I cannot help but think that until such time as CAR206 is banished to the dustbin of bad law, that we will again be revisiting this with other aerial work EMS operations. SAR for example can at various times have 'non-essential' crew on-board like volunteer Air Search Observers (ASOs), so how would they be classified in a similar incident/accident to the Norfolk ditching?

Amen to that – Why do we persist in fretting over law that is only good for lining the bottom of a kitty litter tray..  Complex, convoluted with enough wriggle room for an army of synchronised swimmers.  No one else has these problems, at least not those who adopt ICAO Annexe 6.  

The NZ regulations covering this type of operation are their Part 125 have a look and then compare.  We need to ask WHY TF do we persist with repairing some of the most useless (operationally) laws on the face of the planet, when we could simply embrace Annexe 6 and 'air transport'.  It's like the 61 fiasco, with everyone rolling over and accepting 61 as 'gospel' only needing another 1000 pages of 'tweeking'.  BOLLOCKS – it's just an excuse to allow CASA the freedom, in law, to make anything that pleases them stick.

Simple law that may be readily complied with, without loop holes, no if's and's, but's or maybe's is the only solution.   That'd duck 'em.  

NZ Part 125 – HERE – from AP library, spam and virus free.  Read it and weep.

Beware what you wish for, you may just get it.

It was "the industry" that knocked back a Part 125, not CASA, and also originally knocked back a Part 135, the current draft Part 135 is not anything like US/NZ/etc Part 135, it is the Part 121A of Part 121A/B re-badged.

A a major meeting of charter/regional operators in Canberra, the meeting, chaired by Buck Brooksbank, literally howled down the idea of a Part 135, claiming that would be "a reduction in standards" and these small operators could operate to "one level of safety".
What was on offer was a modernised version of the old ANR 203 exemption, that gave rise to regional operators in Australia, in the first place.

Quite how you operate a FAR 23 aircraft to the "same standard/level of safety" (whatever that means) as a modern HC FAR 25 CAT III certified turbine airliner has got me beat.

Bill Hamilton

(05-18-2015, 08:41 PM)Bill Hamilton Wrote:  Folks,
Beware what you wish for, you may just get it.

It was "the industry" that knocked back a Part 125, not CASA, and also originally knocked back a Part 135, the current draft Part 135 is not anything like US/NZ/etc Part 135, it is the Part 121A of Part 121A/B re-badged.

A a major meeting of charter/regional operators in Canberra, the meeting, chaired by Buck Brooksbank, literally howled down the idea of a Part 135, claiming that would be "a reduction in standards" and these small operators could operate to "one level of safety".
What was on offer was a modernised version of the old ANR 203 exemption, that gave rise to regional operators in Australia, in the first place.

Quite how you operate a FAR 23 aircraft to the "same standard/level of safety" (whatever that means) as a modern HC FAR 25 CAT III certified turbine airliner has got me beat.

Bill Hamilton

Bill that particular drift has been taken across to here where I believe the intent is to allow robust discussion and drifting to all posters' content - I will add though that my reference to Annex 6 was not for any other reason but for the definition of commercial air transport...

commercial air transport operation (is) an aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers, cargo or mail for remuneration or hire.4

 ...that most reasonable, civilised countries and signatories to ICAO, seem to have no issue conforming to. But that discussion is best carried on the above thread link... Wink  

Okay back to the Ziggy decision, the following is from MMSM Steve on the Justice Schmidt decision... Smile :

Quote:Landmark ruling: nurse’s air-crash PTSD ‘had physical cause’  
[Image: steve_creedy.png]
Aviation Editor

[Image: 977251-1e7befcc-facd-11e4-85a5-c09af6cb3fe7.jpg]

The CareFlight Pel-Air Westwind plane that was forced to ditch in the sea off Norfolk Island in 2009. Source: Supplied
A nurse whose life was shattered by the crash of an air ambulance off Norfolk Island has won her case against operator Pel-Air for post-traumatic stress disorder, in a decision that could have inter­national ramifications.  

Karen Casey was part of a medical evacuation team that ditched into the sea off Norfolk Island in 2009 when the Westwind jet ran out of fuel.

All six people in the aircraft survived but Ms Casey and doctor David Helm, who also successfully sued Pel-Air, were injured as they were flung around violently in their seats.

Ms Casey was also trapped in her seat by her seatbelt, surrounded by rising water, but managed to break free and help others remain afloat for the 90 minutes it took for rescuers to arrive.

In a decision that will attract international interest, the NSW Supreme Court ruled that the PTSD was not just the result of injury to her mind “caused by shock, fear and other emotional trauma’’, but of damage to her brain and other parts of her body.
This means she is able to get compensation for the disorder under national and international rules governing air crashes.

Pel-Air argued the PTSD did not attract compensation under the Montreal Convention, the international agree­ment defin­ing airline liabilities that informs the Australian Civil Aviation (Carriers Liability) Act, which allows only for “bodily injury”.

But judge Monika Schmidt ruled that Ms Casey’s PTSD was not merely the result of an injury to her mind “caused by the shock, fear and other emotional trauma caused by the crash”.

She said this was a psychiatric injury caused by a physical route.

“It must be concluded, on the balance of probabilities, that Ms Casey’s PTSD also involves an injury to her brain and other parts of her body involved in normal brain function,’’ she said.

The judge determined that Ms Casey was entitled to damag­es assessed in accordance with the Civil Liability Act and awarded costs against Pel-Air.

Carneys Lawyers partner and aviation specialist John Dawson said the decision appeared to widen the definition of bodily injur­y. Mr Dawson said Australia adopted the term in 2013 when it boosted the cap on damages that passengers in an air acci­dent could claim, from $500,000 to $725,000.

“Post-traumatic stress disorder of itself has not been considered to be a bodily injury and therefore not compensable if you come within the scope of the convention or the act, which is based on the convention,’’ he said.

“It gives a wide meaning to the term bodily injury to say a psychological injury such as PTSD is compensable.’’

Ms Casey said outside court it had been a long, hard fight and that there needed to be justice in aviation laws in Australia and inter­nationally.

“I’m very happy with the outcome, but it’s certainly not over yet because it’s an international (issue) that needs to be recognised,’’ she told the ABC.

“No one should have to go through this again, no one.”
{Reference also here at Carneys Lawyers}
MTF...P2 Tongue

Sorry – Irresistible.

Solid gold, Tim Tam quality from Creampuff (again).   My QOM nomination.

Quote:Depends on what the term “ambulance functions” means in CAR 206(1)(a)(vii).

Although the discussion is academic, because the new, simple, harmonised, outcomes-based classification of operations scheme will come into effect in 1998, it does raise the question as to how operations for the purposes of “ambulance functions” and “any other purpose that is substantially similar to” ambulance functions can be carried out without passengers. Operations for those purposes are aerial work: CAR 206(1)(a)(vii) and (ix).

If “ambulance functions” involve patients, and patients are, by definition, passengers, it follows that at least that kind of AWK can, from a regulatory perspective, be carried out with passengers.

Doesn’t mean it has to be done only under an AWK AOC, but I don’t see why it can’t be done under an AWK AOC.

Of course, it may be that the transport of patients in other than an emergency is not an operation for the purposes of “ambulance functions” or “any other purpose that is substantially similar to” ambulance functions.

But as I say, it’s all academic come 1998.

... Big Grin ....... Big Grin ...... Big Grin ...... Big Grin ....

Will be very interesting to see whether the insurers decide to appeal this decision. They run the risk of entrenching the decision into law as a binding precedent if they do and the appeal is lost. At present PTSD as a physical injury is the decision of a single judge based on specific facts and as such is quite easily distinguishable at law should the facts slightly differ.

For example, what if Ms Casey had not suffered the physical trauma which has led to her severe pain and subsequent PTSD but merely suffered PTSD as a result of the terror of the ditching and subsequent fear for her life while in the water? I suggest that the embuggerance of the Montreal Convention would stand the challenge.

Meanwhile, I trust the victory so far will give some comfort to Ms Casey as she surely deserves some good news.

Nicely put Pete – it's going to be a toss up ain't it. The notion of setting a precedent – in dollar costs – against letting this whole thing die away without Rex, CASA, ATSB et al. being dragged through court and the whole thing being subject public scrutiny should make it a no brainer. However, despite the past reluctance of the DoIT, the insurance underwriters and other vested interests to allow open examination of the abysmal aviation and insurance laws, it does seem to weigh in Karen's favour. My two bob says they'll stump up and bury the whole thing as quickly as possible – too much at stake otherwise.

Which is terrific for Karen of course, and I'm happy (and relieved) for her – but – BUT that will not resolve any of the larger issues the whole sad, sorry tale exposed; they still exist; alive, well and lurking in the statutes. But who knows? maybe one day honour, decency and sanity may reappear. I am not holding my breath though.

Morning all. 

Apologies for being absent. A little busy and processing all that has been.

Yes, I believe that PTSD is extremely important to be recognise as a Scientifically proven Disorder which is can most definitely impede significantly on a Persons Life. With or without bodily injury. I live it.   How Dare they argue this. 

Mrs BC may not have had a bodily injury, but most certainly had PTSD. I saw the fierce cold, dark ocean, smashing it's unforgiving waves, almost drowning her as this beautiful lady was strapped helpless in the stretcher until others, Doc & myself could release her. Then in the ocean. So very tragic. 

The exacerbation of this investigation through pure incompetency has to be earnestly questioned. It really is torture for all in that was in that Aircraft.
PTSD has been proven many times, via the study of neuro plasticity that there are changes in the brain (yes, it is a part of the body...FYI Law) and triggers are everywhere. 

Think about it.

To not be recognised after such a horrific event is not only insulting, but reliant on a Law from 1929/44/99, which reworded, stills says the same. Absolute disgrace. 

Then, very sneakily, without informing the Flying Public, our GovMutts change our own Domestic Law in 2013 to uphold the MC99. Not surprising given the knowledge I now have regarding not only this issue (and there are many), but how the "fly under the radar" BeRightBacks behave. Not in our Constitution to behave in such a manner at all. Shame on you all.

We employ them. They work for us, supposedly. This is clearly not the case regarding matters of Aviation Safety, Laws, Regulations and Investigation Competency.

Although my Personal matter has had an outcome, which I believe will bring 21st century needed change, the Australian Aviation Industry is in dire straights. The riddles of the tortuous words can change when needing to render a situation. Institutionalised minds do not consult with their industry, which they are meant to protect and support.

Power and Egos combined, recipe for dangerous decisions. So this is how "they" play. 
Question. If any of the people survived the MH370, Air Asia and the other tragic crashes recently, do you think for a moment that would not traumatise their brain/minds? 

Just because we were in a small jet makes no difference. It was horrific.  P/A, CASA, ATSB and every other bastard that has attempted to smother this can do their best to, but I will voice, loud, with scientific proof. Dickheads. Honestly! 

Thank you every individual, the 4C team, Ben (legend with passion for truth) Aunty Pru for the freedom to bring these issues to the light. 

Very dark forces will be conquered by the light shed. It will. Believe and unite. Do not just say but do, that is when change happens.

I am not walking away from this when my matter is over.  I have been gagged for too long. My personal life is on display (no person knew this was to happen) and I have had a hard time with this. But, I understand how important it is to fight for what is right, and if this means exposure. 

Accepted.  When one loses their career and is injured but told, "oh we know she has PTSD, but the Law says she does not", you fight for Justice and your Rights as a human citizen of this country to drag the Montreal Convention 99 to light. I stand firm that no-body need endure such a fight again.

If Operators, Insurance Companies and their shareholders deep pockets focused on safety rather than profit, maybe the Av World would not be so Covertly Corrupt.  Safety before Profit, not Learning and Arse covering from our own has demised an industry that should be flourishing in our large Land.

I won't stop and I can see through the crap that has been told.

Thank you so much everyone. Your support and kind words have helped me many times. Also, I can vent here, freely.

I will continue to do so.
I will expose the wrong-doings of them all.
I have a loud voice and this is NOT over.

Power to the people. A force that CAN make change. Stand up for your rights.

Ziggy xx Heartxx

I don't believe it is in PA interests to appeal your matter because it suits their purpose to draw a line under the matter. However if they don't, I believe you have set a precedent for others to follow with issues of the mind brought about by our 'bureaurats' interfering in matters they, or their mates have vested interests in.

It will open doors previously shut to pilots who have lost their employment and suffered with depression as a consequence of CASA interference.

Depression is rampart among pilots and nobody knows... To seek treatment will put their Career on the line. Indeed it is a serious threat to the flying public that needs airing and a private study funded by government should be done and released to the public.

I have nothing to loose now. I have diagnosed PTSD and Depression and because I didn't know better and no treatments were about then, I fought this battle alone until today. It's a tough battle some times and can be climatic if no strength of will or character is there. It is insidious because it never goes away. In hindsight CASA Medical Branch should have tested me before they gave me back my medical after a head injury. It's just a miracle nothing happened until now. Now when I no longer have any will to fly and don't. A pity because I loved it and our regulator took will that away.

If anybody wants to seek funding for such a study, I'll gladly help. If anybody wants to do the study, I'll gladly help.

If anybody wants to share in a signatory push to have Ziggy awarded with a medal of courage, I'll help.

You deserve it love...

(05-23-2015, 09:37 AM)Congratulations Ziggy if congratulations is the right word. You have demonstrated a tenacity to shine a light on a very murky business. I suspect I am one of many who have been following your endeavour without posting much.I hope you have been aware of that support.Greedy Wrote:  Morning all. 

Apologies for being absent. A little busy and processing all that has been.

Yes, I believe that PTSD is extremely important to be recognise as a Scientifically proven Disorder which is can most definitely impede significantly on a Persons Life. With or without bodily injury. I live it.   How Dare they argue this. 

Mrs BC may not have had a bodily injury, but most certainly had PTSD. I saw the fierce cold, dark ocean, smashing it's unforgiving waves, almost drowning her as this beautiful lady was strapped helpless in the stretcher until others, Doc & myself could release her. Then in the ocean. So very tragic. 

The exacerbation of this investigation through pure incompetency has to be earnestly questioned. It really is torture for all in that was in that Aircraft.
PTSD has been proven many times, via the study of neuro plasticity that there are changes in the brain (yes, it is a part of the body...FYI Law) and triggers are everywhere. 

Think about it.

To not be recognised after such a horrific event is not only insulting, but reliant on a Law from 1929/44/99, which reworded, stills says the same. Absolute disgrace. 

Then, very sneakily, without informing the Flying Public, our GovMutts change our own Domestic Law in 2013 to uphold the MC99. Not surprising given the knowledge I now have regarding not only this issue (and there are many), but how the "fly under the radar" BeRightBacks behave. Not in our Constitution to behave in such a manner at all. Shame on you all.

We employ them. They work for us, supposedly. This is clearly not the case regarding matters of Aviation Safety, Laws, Regulations and Investigation Competency.

Although my Personal matter has had an outcome, which I believe will bring 21st century needed change, the Australian Aviation Industry is in dire straights. The riddles of the tortuous words can change when needing to render a situation. Institutionalised minds do not consult with their industry, which they are meant to protect and support.

Power and Egos combined, recipe for dangerous decisions. So this is how "they" play. 
Question. If any of the people survived the MH370, Air Asia and the other tragic crashes recently, do you think for a moment that would not traumatise their brain/minds? 

Just because we were in a small jet makes no difference. It was horrific.  P/A, CASA, ATSB and every other bastard that has attempted to smother this can do their best to, but I will voice, loud, with scientific proof. Dickheads. Honestly! 

Thank you every individual, the 4C team, Ben (legend with passion for truth) Aunty Pru for the freedom to bring these issues to the light. 

Very dark forces will be conquered by the light shed. It will. Believe and unite. Do not just say but do, that is when change happens.

I am not walking away from this when my matter is over.  I have been gagged for too long. My personal life is on display (no person knew this was to happen) and I have had a hard time with this. But, I understand how important it is to fight for what is right, and if this means exposure. 

Accepted.  When one loses their career and is injured but told, "oh we know she has PTSD, but the Law says she does not", you fight for Justice and your Rights as a human citizen of this country to drag the Montreal Convention 99 to light. I stand firm that no-body need endure such a fight again.

If Operators, Insurance Companies and their shareholders deep pockets focused on safety rather than profit, maybe the Av World would not be so Covertly Corrupt.  Safety before Profit, not Learning and Arse covering from our own has demised an industry that should be flourishing in our large Land.

I won't stop and I can see through the crap that has been told.

Thank you so much everyone. Your support and kind words have helped me many times. Also, I can vent here, freely.

I will continue to do so.
I will expose the wrong-doings of them all.
I have a loud voice and this is NOT over.

Power to the people. A force that CAN make change. Stand up for your rights.

Ziggy xx Heartxx

(05-24-2015, 09:59 AM)Greedy Wrote:  
(05-23-2015, 09:37 AM)Congratulations Ziggy if congratulations is the right word. You have demonstrated a tenacity to shine a light on a very murky business. I suspect I am one of many who have been following your endeavour without posting much.I hope you have been aware of that support.Greedy Wrote:  Morning all. 

Apologies for being absent. A little busy and processing all that has been.

Yes, I believe that PTSD is extremely important to be recognise as a Scientifically proven Disorder which is can most definitely impede significantly on a Persons Life. With or without bodily injury. I live it.   How Dare they argue this. 

Mrs BC may not have had a bodily injury, but most certainly had PTSD. I saw the fierce cold, dark ocean, smashing it's unforgiving waves, almost drowning her as this beautiful lady was strapped helpless in the stretcher until others, Doc & myself could release her. Then in the ocean. So very tragic. 

The exacerbation of this investigation through pure incompetency has to be earnestly questioned. It really is torture for all in that was in that Aircraft.
PTSD has been proven many times, via the study of neuro plasticity that there are changes in the brain (yes, it is a part of the body...FYI Law) and triggers are everywhere. 

Think about it.

To not be recognised after such a horrific event is not only insulting, but reliant on a Law from 1929/44/99, which reworded, stills says the same. Absolute disgrace. 

Then, very sneakily, without informing the Flying Public, our GovMutts change our own Domestic Law in 2013 to uphold the MC99. Not surprising given the knowledge I now have regarding not only this issue (and there are many), but how the "fly under the radar" BeRightBacks behave. Not in our Constitution to behave in such a manner at all. Shame on you all.

We employ them. They work for us, supposedly. This is clearly not the case regarding matters of Aviation Safety, Laws, Regulations and Investigation Competency.

Although my Personal matter has had an outcome, which I believe will bring 21st century needed change, the Australian Aviation Industry is in dire straights. The riddles of the tortuous words can change when needing to render a situation. Institutionalised minds do not consult with their industry, which they are meant to protect and support.

Power and Egos combined, recipe for dangerous decisions. So this is how "they" play. 
Question. If any of the people survived the MH370, Air Asia and the other tragic crashes recently, do you think for a moment that would not traumatise their brain/minds? 

Just because we were in a small jet makes no difference. It was horrific.  P/A, CASA, ATSB and every other bastard that has attempted to smother this can do their best to, but I will voice, loud, with scientific proof. Dickheads. Honestly! 

Thank you every individual, the 4C team, Ben (legend with passion for truth) Aunty Pru for the freedom to bring these issues to the light. 

Very dark forces will be conquered by the light shed. It will. Believe and unite. Do not just say but do, that is when change happens.

I am not walking away from this when my matter is over.  I have been gagged for too long. My personal life is on display (no person knew this was to happen) and I have had a hard time with this. But, I understand how important it is to fight for what is right, and if this means exposure. 

Accepted.  When one loses their career and is injured but told, "oh we know she has PTSD, but the Law says she does not", you fight for Justice and your Rights as a human citizen of this country to drag the Montreal Convention 99 to light. I stand firm that no-body need endure such a fight again.

If Operators, Insurance Companies and their shareholders deep pockets focused on safety rather than profit, maybe the Av World would not be so Covertly Corrupt.  Safety before Profit, not Learning and Arse covering from our own has demised an industry that should be flourishing in our large Land.

I won't stop and I can see through the crap that has been told.

Thank you so much everyone. Your support and kind words have helped me many times. Also, I can vent here, freely.

I will continue to do so.
I will expose the wrong-doings of them all.
I have a loud voice and this is NOT over.

Power to the people. A force that CAN make change. Stand up for your rights.

Ziggy xx Heartxx

Have also copied Ziggy's post across to Ben's article - Pel-Air crash victim wins right to compensation for PTSD #comment 20

Also here is a quote I made from an earlier comment which IMO should not be forgotten... Angry :

Quote:However IMO the elephant in the room still remains and that is that two Ministers (of both political persuasions) who could have put a stop to this injustice didn’t and merely relied on the advice of their head Mandarin and his subordinate agency Chiefs responsible for aviation safety administration in this country. It is a disgrace and a stain on our reputation as one of the first signatories to the Chicago (ICAO) convention of 1944.

Shame for Truss – – but especially shame for Albanese.

[Image: BSA08jvCYAAzOLS.jpg]

Cheers P2 Tongue

Another aberration on its way? 
Take Two.

The Re-Inv of NGA on ATSB website. Read. 

Two Safety issues addressed. 
Thought more than that would be.

So tired of walking on eggshells, scared to say anything.
When what has happened behind closed doors and whispers and reports and all. They can do. Yet we, who tell the truth, have tread on eggshells.

They can bugger off. No more. Too much dangerous practice evident now!

Amazed at how the life vests were found after five years. In storage at Norfolk Police. Mind bending that one, I can tell you.

I hope they asked everyone at Norfolk (rescuers, police, hospital etc if they had  been asked or offered the vests) 

I hope they include the fifty something breaches found wanting by the operator.

I hope they explain why the CASA Special Audit was not seen as crucial evidence to the incompetence of the Operator, proven in writing, yet ignored previously.

I hope they explain why the CP who was not qualified and was operational in this role at the time of the crash, was then employed by CASA.

I hope they explain why the CVRs have not been retrieved, why not earlier.

I hope they suddenly find the weather tapes/reports.

I hope they explain why the occupants were never contacted, offered support or any assistance by the ATSB or CASA.

I hope they explain why the recommendations from the Senate were not addressed 

I hope they explain why they exacerbated Australia's First International Crash. Over Five years to Re-Investigate.

I hope they explain why Political Donations from the Operator were made with a decade gap and over 300k donated at correlated times the release of the report and the Senate.

I hope they explain how the Chairman of a Company REX/Pel-Air can make donations to his own Party, in particular, considering he is the Nationals Federal Treasurer and ex-Tpt Minister. His Leader in his own Part is Warren Truss ( DP & Infrastructure Minister).

I hope they explain why Mr MrDak has told me so many untruths. Very unhelpful and unkind. 

I hope they can explain why the NTSB needed to be involved and not to mention all the other reports. Aberration and Preventable are the words that come to mind. 

I hope they explain why the new Lead Investigator has a PhD in Psychology and a 1 year diploma in Av Inv.

I hope they can explain why the previous false report has passed through the same hands as the man who is posing quite confidently for the MH 370.

I have asked for his resignation for what happened to the NGA report. We lived to tell the story, the aircraft was accessible, but still they did not get it right. And the papers are displaying this behaviour as competent.

I hope they put in a Nutshell that:
First happened.
Gold Standard in Australian Aviation. Bravo!
Oops, this company is not competent
No Air ambulance training/ approval etc
Unqualified CP
Audit, bad reflection on CASA as no follow up and direction for learning
Alleged collusion
Where is the AFP??
Senate, reports etc.
No report as Serious incident with ICAO (McCormick) had eye on Job as GenSec there. Hush hush, perhaps? 
Someone knows so much more. But can they speak?

Exacerbation and determination to smooth over Australia's lack of understanding in Audit Standards, Competent Staff and Investigative "handshakes"

Let's be bloody honest here.

The above and more must be added as it is not just the "ditching" now.

It is that plus the past few years and the employment of a Commissioner who held that report, yet released it knowing more.

A Minister who also knew more as he too saw the report. Knew of the CASA audit.

And then Mr Shark. Someone please investigate this man. Hands in too many pies.

Albo, you too and your back turning when I requested your help. Not even know about the report. Really?? You think I believe that. Please.

Of course for this to be a full comprehensive report, much more is needed to be added. 

It did not get to five and a half years just because of the crash. It's here in this time because of many factors.

I hope they count in these facts above into the report.
I wish I could say more, but I can not, yet.

They better fix this right. 
Otherwise they are just jumping through loopholes avoiding accountability but suffocating learning and safety outcomes.

Loopy'd'Loop Politics are NOT safe for our skies.

At the point of this, beyond ridiculous. Stop band-aiding things. Just tell the truth and deal with it. How silly do they think we are? Not I.

Mr Abbott, Mr Truss and Mr Dolan.
Some answers.

Ziggy Huh

Here's a steadying thought Zig – PAIN have unanimously decided to sit tight until the lead investigator has published; then carefully study the 'new' report.  Fair, public warning – if that report slides around any of the facts; or, in any way fails to tell the truth, the whole ugly truth and nothing but the truth; we will.  That's a solemn, bankable promise.

Have to smile at the ludicrous use of 62 as a gag; someone should tell Dolan we have a five year head start and he'd be very lucky to get anyone to tell his boy all the 'facts', not only in relation to the CASA involvement, but to the 'significant others' associated.  ATSB investigators won't dare go within a country mile of that little snake pit, but we will.  

It will make 'interesting' reading, if nothing else.

Steady the Buffs. 

"A poem a day keeps my mind okay.
Expression is essential.

Is it Just?

Each quiet contemplation
Makes me want to shout
Palpable desperation, calmly aiming
For truths to burst out

Each ice-berg has a tip
Clearly seen and revealed
Not only thought out schemes
Enabling individuals destruction
But a chain reaction of smooth, cover
Govern-Mental construction

Told of much larger issues, eyes misted
By the haze of selfish un-kinds
Each to save themselves from shame
Fabricating still, against a greater collection
Of intelligent minds

A choice made by those with "power"
As we await the unveiling of meaningful "hours"

Explain action of unraveled lies
Told by so many, so far
Accountability seems so obvious
To explore in depth 
All brushed with the same tar?

Scramble and gamble your words 
Of twisted disdain
To those with the passion and integrity
Proudly wanting safe skies,
In our Land with Air-Planes

A shake of my head as this continuum 
Of Dis-Unity reigns
Understanding the selfish intent is beyond me
No listening or embracing
From the "powers" that hide,
Behind desks of our Pain.


Zig, beautiful poem, from the heart, and we feel privileged that you shared such an intimate thought with us, thank you.

On a seperate note Zig, keep up the pen work. I won't digress too much but I am willing to share my own intimate thought, something very rare from myself. I had a colleague (different time different place) killed at work. Died while I nestled him in my arms. This has been my driving force for decades when it comes to safety, protecting human lives, fixing the problems. This is what has fuelled my disdain for those who have the powers to make the changes but refuse to do so, those who lie, obsfucate, trick and deceive so as to save their own measley asses. To those people the gods of thunder will exact punishment somewhere, somehow, sometime. But those experiences never leave us, and neither does the drive to make people accountable for their actions. Zig, therapy helps with the healing. Putting feelings to paper is a very powerful form of therapy and it helps with healing, releases the tension, assists the mind to collate, store, delete and sort through the minefield of emotions, memories and thoughts. But the journey gets better, year by year, slowly but surely so chin up, you will get there tiger.

I will probably regret sharing this moment publicly, yep I already am, however for the sake of supporting another person through their suffering and providing some comfort (hopefully) I am happy to share.

Thank you Gobble.

The journey thus far has been nothing short of sickening.
To hear that you have experienced similar is comforting yet does fuel determination.
Sharing is not a weakness but a strength. Then that strength creates more. So I admire your courage to share.

Preventable, collusion and aberration are just a few more simple words that help keep the cause real to me.

I have therapy every week. Quite intense at the moment to stay stable. With all that is happening.

How dare they do this to their own people.

A dog would have been treated better!

Thank you again G. Sad but true stories. 
Despicable remedies from our past and present "Leaders".


Poetry a Day Pushes Battles Away
It's actually a Song I wrote. 
Putting Music to it.
Be patient. I'm a dawdle Kind.
Has to be the right time to write.
Got to feel it.


"I sat alone this Morn
Early and cold with the Glow
Of our Sun
Watching the Birds play
With the sky
Silhouetting their shadows
Having Morning Glory Fun

I enjoy hearing the sounds
That fresh feeling of just being
For a short time during 
My calmed mind
A reality check is sounded
And my calmed reality

Like a dark gloom of cloud
Reversing my thoughts in time
Comfort from the sky
Interrupted by traumatic chimes
Realities exchange so quick
Portals my brain, senses, sounds
After Six
Sights on the Horizon
The mix of hours commences

Loss and pain reminders
That switch my brain
Memories so entrenched
Each hour is a constant task to face
So real, tipped equilibrium
Force myself to not chase
Memories are forever
Not a cure
Yet found to wipe out
Intrusive thoughts that juggle
This is what PTSD is about.

Ears hear a different sound
Eyes cast back then close
Quite automatically
Switched back into a time
Spewed with such force
As a shining bird of silver
Encompasses my thoughts
My mind, my brain.
Quite instantly.

So argue what is needed
Enable pockets of greed
Ignore the fact
My sunshine stolen
Keep the gold
Deny as much as possible
The human beings needs 

Today I return to 
My morning
Seeing the sun
Enjoying the high birds' pitch 
'Til the artificial sound
Flew into my space
Igniting the Switch

How is this treated
One may ask
May only be managed 
Memories are For Life
Fear and loss
So much more
Yet argue still
Soulless mortals counting pennies
Leaning on last millenniums' writes
Not human rights.

It ain't over yet as I
Write this today fresh
Yet tarnished
A spin into why?
I walk into how?
Can I harness the suns 
Energy to continue
I will not be banished."

"Switch Switch Switch
Of thought crossed with which?
Back and forth swaying inside
Pulled memories that remain
Sinking my Mind."

I hope any other person that has suffered from the height of PTSD that I have.
I hope this Song (when finished) will help to know. Not alone. It is real. It is for life. A traumatic memory. Life stripped. Expressing this is relieving. Gagged gagged gagged. I am.

Ziggy  Heart

Back in court again tomorrow. Apparently PelAir (or more likely their underwriters) have decided to appeal the recent judgement - which is their legal right.

Good luck Karen

Slats - Does KC have to be there or is lawyers at ten paces?

Karen was there today. Finished a short time ago, so was very brief and likely just a procedural thing.

I guess Karen will update us later, but speaking to her last night she understood there was to be an appeal.

Best wishes to her.

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